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about PRI

our mission
It is the mission of Pigments Revealed International to create a global, cross-disciplinary pigment community in which we can build relationships that explore the relevance of pigments in understanding human stories. PRI aims to provide educational and research opportunities to all about the significance of pigments to human evolution past, present and future.

our vision
A global community connected by pigments that fosters relationships, collaboration and the sharing of knowledge.

who we are
Pigments Revealed International is a member-led and driven 501c3 nonprofit international pigment organization run by volunteer board members. With pigment community members from every corner of the world we are working to bring knowledge about the ancient relationship between humans and pigments, and the relevancy of pigments in our modern world to everyone.

Each of our board members brings a unique set of skills and talents, as well as expertise, to Pigments Revealed International. Working together, we are creating a strong, unified and happy organization focused on providing space for the global pigment community, as well as educational and research opportunities in the field of pigments.

board of directors
​Melonie Ancheta: Founder, Director, Chair
Mia Urem: Secretary
Tammy Hodgskiss Reynard: Social Media
Lucy Mayes: Social Media
Elisabeth Heying: Pigment of the Month
Jillian Huntley: Membership
Elpitha Tsoutsounakis: Co-chair

dei statement
There is only one rule about pigments: there are no pigment rules. You cannot make generalizations about them. While some pigments are “this”, some pigments are “that”, and while some might be both, some might not even be “this” or “that”! We passionate pigment people believe this statement applies to all sentient beings, in all their wondrous facets and hues… a diversity we welcome and celebrate here at Pigments Revealed International.


land acknowledgement
Each of us stands on a piece of Earth for which we are grateful and care for. We recognize and honor the Indigenous people who have occupied these lands for millennia and look to them to guide us in caring for the land respectfully, conscientiously and in healthy ways to safeguard it for those to come. We are mindful of customs and traditions that may not be our own, but from which we will learn to better treat these lands with respect and consideration.

Privacy Policy

Women making paint for islamic art.jpeg

Islamic women preparing paint for illuminated manuscripts. 

why PRI?


PRI is the result of one person asking a question no one could answer. More than 25 years after that question was asked, this organization became a reality out of knowing there were others out there asking questions that were not getting answered. PRI also came to be from the need to learn from others and share what is known, as well as a desire to collaborate with others. And it is the product of understanding that reintegrating pigment knowledge into the world is vital for cultural revitalization, learning to steward our lands, and working together with one another and nature. 

Oh, yeah, the question was, "What was used to make blue paint on the NW Coast before contact?" It took almost 12 years to find the answer. 

Vivianite forming in bone, in situ

Vivianite was the answer. Image of Vivianite formed in bone.

photo courtesy of ma

The name Pigments Revealed came about from many years of not just revealing information about pigments through my research, but also from seeing so many things that can't be learned through other means being revealed by the study of pigments about culture, history, science, economics and more. Through pigments, information that is hiding in plain sight is revealed to help us better understand our past, our place as humans on this planet, and how it all fits into the natural world. 


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